Kasutame küpsiseid, et tagada parim kogemus meie veebisaidil.

+372 52 64 918

School is open

Mon-Fri 9-17


Endla Str. 4, Tallinn


Private individuals are eligible for a 20% refund on training expenses from the Tax and Customs Board.

Tallinn Language School MTÜ
Business Register Number: 80586221

Private Individuals

Instalment Payment Due Date
Autumn Semester before commencing studies according to invoice
Spring Semester according to invoice


Instalment Payment Due Date
Autumn Semester before commencing studies according to invoice
Spring Semester according to invoice

Trial Lesson

The school offers the opportunity for learners who have joined the course midway to have 1 trial lesson per course, if desired. The fee for a trial lesson is 15 euros per learning session. If the learner joins the course after the trial lesson, the fee paid for the trial lesson is considered part of the course fee. The trial lesson is counted as the learner's first learning session in the given course.

Division of Tuition Fees

Tuition fees can be divided into several instalments according to the options provided in the registration form. When dividing the tuition fee into three or more instalments (if such an option is available in the registration form), an additional handling fee of 10 euros per instalment is added.

Terms and Procedure for Paying Tuition Fees

1. In order to participate in language learning, the learner pays the tuition fee specified in the study contract, including VAT as required by law.
2. The learner pays the tuition fee according to the selected instalments and payment schedule upon registration.
3. The tuition fee is payable for the entire language course and is paid according to the payment terms indicated on the invoice.
4. If the learner joins the language course after its commencement, the learner only pays for the remaining hours of the course and is not charged for the hours that occurred before joining.
5. The tuition fee can be paid in full or partially by another private individual or legal entity.
6. The course tuition fee does not include the cost of study materials.
7. If the learner has not paid the tuition fee by the date indicated on the invoice and has not arranged for a deferred payment, Tallinn Language School has the right to remove the learner from the course list and discontinue providing education to them.
8. The size of the tuition fee depends on the course category and the number of lessons.

Conditions and Procedure for Tuition Fee Refund

1. The School does not compensate for the learner's short-term absence (i.e., up to 30 days inclusive), regardless of the reason for such absence.
2. In the event of valid reasons, particularly in cases of the learner's prolonged illness or the emergence of any other unexpected circumstances preventing learning, which lasts for more than 30 days, the learner may submit an application to the administration of Tallinn Language School for partial refund of the tuition fee for lessons that have not yet taken place, if the studies are discontinued. The School does not refund the tuition fee for lessons that have already taken place.
3. In the event of the learner's termination of the contract within a week after the first learning session, the School returns and cancels up to 95% of the course tuition fee, subtracting the cost of the already completed lessons and study materials. In the event of the learner's termination of the contract within a week after the second learning session, the School returns and cancels up to 90% of the course tuition fee, subtracting the cost of the already completed lessons and study materials.
4. If the learner terminates the contract after the third learning session, the School is not obliged to compensate the learner for the tuition fee, except in cases where the School has violated the terms of the study contract or if the language course is canceled.
5. If the School terminates the study contract for the reasons stated in the previous point, the School refunds the prepaid tuition fee for lessons that have not yet taken place in full or offsets it against the learner's request to an equivalent extent with the tuition fee for a new language course if the learner wishes to start studying a new course.

Options for Paying Tuition Fees

In Cash By Bank Transfer Based on Invoice
To Tallinn Language School's office (Endla 4, Room 501, 5th floor), open Mon-Thu 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM, Fri 10 AM - 4 PM. To the account of Tallinn Language School NGO, IBAN EE177700771005324285 in LHV Bank, with reference: invoice number and reference number.

Välja otsitud andmebaasist "http://tallinnakeeltekool.ee/w/index.php/Payment_terms"